If you have found wildlife in distress, please contact (207) 351-6752 by texting or calling. Please leave a voice and/or text message if we are unable to answer and include a photo of the wild animal you are concerned for. We will return all messages as soon as possible. Do not touch or move the animal unless it is in imminent danger (such as on a busy road) and always wear personal protective equipment if you need to handle wildlife. Please wait to speak with us PRIOR to attempting a rescue. In many cases, infant wildlife is mistaken for orphans or rescuers put themselves in dangerous situations to save wildlife. We are here to help!
Once you have spoken with a member of our staff and we have advised you to rescue an animal, use the link below to find our digital admission form. By law, we must keep records of every patient admitted to our care. This form must be completed before leaving the animal with us.
For any person(s) who have had contact with a species that is considered a “rabies vector,” individuals must fill out the form found below. Common Rabies Vector Species (RVS) include raccoon, skunk, fox, and bats. There are other species that pose risk, so we will ask for this form in other cases as well. Please read this form thoroughly and carefully!
Wilderness Way Wildlife does not currently accept any bird species. Refer to the list found here if you have found a bird